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Rain disrupts the plans of the pilots CatalunyaCaixa

A storm delayed the start of the race and conditions the performance of Miguel Oliveira and Alex Rins, 19 ° and 20 ° at Sachsenring
Adverse weather conditions have returned to detract from the performance of the drivers CatalunyaCaixa, Miguel Oliveira and Alex Rins, who finished 19 th and 20 th respectively in the German Grand Prix. A strong storm, just before the start of the race, forced to delay the start, and the asphalt puddles, Moto3 pilots have started the race in extreme conditions.
After completing a good 'warm up', the dry, in which Oliveira was 7 and Rins 18 º, the pilots of the team led by Emilio Alzamora faced career with good prospects but the rain has returned to disrupt the plans of the pilots CatalunyaCaixa. Rins and Oliviera, who came from the 27 th and 31 th position, have started the race in order to gain positions and power to shoot as soon as possible with the drivers that were front groups. On dry, both drivers had very good pace, as they have shown during free practice all weekend, but as happened yesterday in the qualifying session, rain conditioned the outcome of the pilots CX. After a good start, Rins has come to be in the 18th position, gaining nine positions in the output, while Oliveira was running in the 25 th position, but today's race, very complicated, proved to be a bone hard nut to crack for young drivers Rins and Oliveira.
Enrolled in a group of nine riders, ranging from the 19 th and 28 th position, and Oliveira Rins have played much of the race, unable to find his feeling with the bike. During the course of it, has been forming a dry track and both drivers were able to shoot a little more comfortable. In the final section, Oliveira and Rins have upped the pace and have won various positions but the difference with the front groups was evident and Portuguese crossed the finish line in the 19th position while team mate has done in the 20 th.
Without the reward of scoring points, but with the experience that involves completing a wet race of this nature, Rins is eighth overall with 54 points and Oliveira is 12 ° to 39 points under his belt. No time to rest, both drivers will contest next week the Italian Grand Prix at Mugello.
Miguel Oliveira, CatalunyaCaixa pilot, 19th ranked in the German Grand Prix, the first .878 +1'18 placed 12 th overall with 39 points:
"It was a very difficult race. Furthermore, since yesterday and it cost us to go wet comfortable on this track and now things have changed for us. It was a shame because in the morning, in the 'warm up', I felt very comfortable with the bike and everything seemed to be running dry. But in the end, the conditions are those that had, and we have had to run again with the rain. We left very late in the grid, so I dry strategy was clear: do well and overcome. We had pace to be among the top three but with the rain, everything has changed. The focus has gone from being totally offensive to an objective conservative as the most important thing was to stay on the bike. "
Alex Rins CatalunyaCaixa pilot, 20th ranked in the German Grand Prix, the first .957 +1'18 placed 8 th overall with 54 points:
"We made a good start but later we lacked confidence to keep fighting with the group that was. I had a good feeling at the entrance of the curve as rain first, and the lack of 'grip', then I have not been allowed to shoot as I would have liked. When dry asphalt we moved around a lot the bike and could not finish the race the way we would have liked. We must look forward and focus on the next race since today was a race to forget. "
Emilio Alzamora, Team Manager:
"It was a very difficult race for everyone. Especially for Michael and Alex, who throughout the weekend have shown good pace in the dry. Together the team have developed a great job and the times achieved during the training weekend and have shown, but to those conditions that had to face today is very difficult to leave Sachsenring with a good taste. A real shame as they both had good pace. They are both young riders and learn from those experiences and I'm sure the hidden potential will have learned the lesson well. Next week, more "
Rain disrupts the plans of the pilots CatalunyaCaixa
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