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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Motoplastic S.A, the data controller of the personal data of the users of this website. We inform you that this data will be processed in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, concerning the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data.

For any inquiries, you can contact the Data Protection Officer of CORPME via email at [email protected]

1.- Browsing and Data Collection: Browsing our website does not imply that you are obliged to provide any personal information about yourself. However, access to certain areas of the website or obtaining information about our products may require the completion of forms with personal information. The data requested in these forms is required by the current applicable regulations, and therefore refusal to provide the data marked as necessary may result in the inability to continue browsing the website or to access the service of receiving certain information. Similarly, certain website functionalities depend on you authorizing the processing of your personal data.

The personal data required for the provision of the different services available on the website will be those indicated in the corresponding form provided for this purpose. The processing of your data for managing your subscription to the newsletter and sending commercial information is based on your consent given when submitting the specific form.

2.- Purpose of the processing: The personal data provided through the website will be treated with the utmost confidentiality to maintain a commercial relationship with you. For this purpose, we implement appropriate measures to comply with the new EU regulations. Therefore, we will use your email address, with your consent, to send you information that may be useful and of interest to you. We will use the data provided by you to manage your subscription and keep you informed at all times of new products, news, events, publications. The information you provide may be processed to create a profile that allows us to offer you the information that may be of most interest to you. Furthermore, we inform you that no automated decisions will be made based on this profile.

3.- Data Retention: You may withdraw your consent for the processing of your data at any time, and we will proceed to remove it from our database, ceasing to send you information. We will retain your data unless you request its deletion, assuming that the information sent may be of interest to you. However, the withdrawal of your consent will not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out before this revocation. In the case of recording telephone calls for quality purposes, the maximum retention period will be six months.

4.- Data Communication: The user has the rights of access, rectification, deletion, limitation of processing, notification, data portability, opposition, and automated individual decision-making, including profiling. You also have the right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority, Spanish Data Protection Agency (www.agpd.es), if you believe the processing is not in compliance with current regulations.

To exercise your rights, the user must send a request to Motoplastic S.A, with CIF A58282492 and registered address at Passatge de la Ribera, 29, C.P 08403, Granollers, or via email to [email protected] with the reference "Data Protection," attaching a copy of your identity document, at any time and free of charge.

5.- Mandatory nature of the information provided by the user: By checking the corresponding box, you expressly and freely agree that your data is necessary to meet your request by the provider. You guarantee that the personal data provided is truthful and are responsible for keeping the information provided duly updated so that it reflects your actual situation. You will also be responsible for any false or inaccurate information you provide through the website and for the damages, direct or indirect, that this may cause to Motoplastic, S.A. or third parties.

6.- Confidentiality and Data Security: We expressly guarantee that the personal data you provide will not be disclosed to third parties unless necessary for the provision of a specific service or if you, as a user of our website, have expressly accepted its communication. In both cases, you will be duly informed of this possibility before your personal data is communicated.

Motoplastic, S.A. will process your data at all times with absolute confidentiality and will maintain the necessary duty of secrecy regarding them, in accordance with the provisions of the applicable regulations, adopting the necessary technical and organizational measures to guarantee the security of your data and to prevent their alteration, loss, unauthorized processing, or access, considering the state of technology, the nature of the data stored, and the risks to which they are exposed.

7.- Compliance and Modifications: In accordance with the provisions of current regulations on personal data protection, the provider complies with all the provisions of the regulations for the processing of personal data and the principles described in Article 5 of the GDPR. We have implemented technical and organizational policies to protect the rights and freedoms of users and to provide them with the necessary information so that they can exercise them.

Motoplastic, S.A. reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy to adapt it to relevant legislative changes. In such cases, the changes introduced will be announced on the website with reasonable notice before they are put into practice.

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