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CX riders continue to advance

Alex Rins fifteen positions after trailing ends in seventh place, and Alex Marquez, fifteenth, again ranked in his second race in the World Miguel Oliveira, mechanical problems, was forced to retire
Pilots CatalunyaCaixa Rins Alex and Alex Marquez have finished in the 7th and 15th position respectively in the Grand Prix of Portugal. Miguel Oliveira, with problems in the front of his horse to enter the curve, was forced to abandon the race when it had only been played three times. A real shame because the Portuguese had been very consistent over the two days of workouts. After a good start, the Portuguese driver had been postulated as one of the fighters with options to victory but the technical problems you box when he was relegated to second place.
A good start which also starred his teammates, Rins and Marquez, who on his first visit World Cup in Estoril circuit have shown great potential. Both pilots, who departed from the 22 th and 19 th position, had already traced several positions in the first round and then joined the group of nine riders who have played the 7 th and 15 th position throughout the race. Rins, with a great pace (one second has lowered his best time of the weekend), has managed to make up a total of 15 positions, finishing in 7th place, first of this large group of pilots. Marquez, in turn, has fought all the way with more experienced pilots than him, finishing in 15th position. A valuable learning for the smallest of Marquez. Still, Cervera has re-scoring, scoring one point in his second race in the World Cup.
With today's result, Rins sum 28 points and sixth place in the overall standings. Oliveira Marquez is 14 ° and 20 °. The next appointment for CX pilots will be in the Circuit of Le Mans, with the dispute on 20 May French Grand Prix.
Miguel Oliveira, pilot CatalunyaCaixa, nc, 14 th overall with 11 points:
"I felt pretty good and was running comfortable with my bike, but unfortunately, I immediately noticed a problem in the front that I could comfortably be able to make the turn. We do not know where the problem lies, but the fact is that I had to abandon a career that I really wanted to do well. We must move forward and look to the next race in France in two weeks. "
Alex Rins CatalunyaCaixa pilot, ranked 7 th in the Grand Prix of Portugal, 21,792 of the first-placed 6 th overall with 28 points:
"The truth is that my team has done an amazing job over the weekend. Today we went on the 21 th position, we were far behind but we made a good start and from there I started to give everything to improve more positions. At first, I've been a bit stuck with the group in Wheeling, but then I saw I could get it-had-a good pace, and was partly due to the slight modification that my mechanics have done in the rear of my bike. I am very satisfied, and we have made a nice comeback. "
Alex Marquez CatalunyaCaixa pilot, ranked 15 th in the Grand Prix of Portugal, 26,450 of the first-placed 20 th overall with 5 points:
"I'm quite pleased, since at first it took me quite adapt to the circuit. I made a good start and was able to recover several positions, although it was very difficult to overtake in the early laps. I was in a very fighter who would not let me shoot, but in the end I could add miles and experience, which is now most important. It was very fun. "
Emili Alzamora, Team Manager:
"Both Alex have made a great career. Despite having had some difficulties over the weekend, as it was a new track for them, have managed to solve the race on a high note. They have done a great evolution. As Michael has been a shame since it had shown great pace throughout the weekend and was forced to abandon the race because of a problem with the front of the bike. We have sent the Dunlop rubber in order to analyze all possible causes. It really is a shame because after seeing the times of the drivers front was to fight for victory. Things that happen in racing. We must move forward and the positive note lies in the development being undertaken by Suters, which are becoming more competitive. "
CX riders continue to advance
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