Legal advice
In compliance with Law 34/2022, of July 11, on services of the information society and electronic commerce (LSSI), we inform you that this website with the address is owned by PUIG USA INC. with CIF A58282492 and registered office at 3843 Saint Valentine Way, Orlando, FL 32835 and with email
PUIG USA INC. has adopted all the technical and organizational measures in accordance with the provisions of the current regulations, with security levels appropriate to the data provided, and has also installed all the technical means and measures within its reach to prevent the loss, misuse, alteration, and unauthorized access to the data provided to us.
These general terms of use regulate the terms and conditions of access and use of this website, owned by PUIG USA INC, which the user of the portal must read and accept in order to use all the services and information provided through the portal. Access and/or use of the portal, all or part of its contents and/or services imply full acceptance of these general terms of use. They also regulate the access and use of the portal, including the tasks and services made available to users on and/or through the portal, either by the portal itself, by users, or by third parties. However, access and use of certain content and/or services may be subject to specific conditions.
The user agrees to make proper use of the contents and services that PUIG USA INC. offers on its website and not to use them for commercial purposes. Consequently, reproduction and/or publication, in whole or in part, and their computer processing, distribution, dissemination, modification, transformation, etc., are not permitted without prior written consent from the owner. When reproduction is authorized, the source of the information must be indicated.
The user also agrees not to damage the physical and logical systems of PUIG USA INC, its suppliers, or third parties.
The source code, graphic designs, images, photographs, sounds, animations, software, texts, as well as the information and elements contained on this website are protected by Spanish legislation on intellectual and industrial property rights. Users may view and use them solely for personal use, and their commercial use, reproduction, publication, computer processing, distribution, dissemination, modification, transformation, etc., without prior written consent from the owner, is prohibited. When reproduction is authorized, the source of the information must be indicated.
This website provides commercial information about our products and services. This information is of a general nature and does not address specific circumstances relating to individuals and/or entities.
PUIG USA INC. is not responsible for any possible damages that may arise from interferences, omissions, interruptions, computer viruses, telephone malfunctions, or disconnections in the operational functioning of electronic or computer systems, caused by reasons beyond the control of the owner of this website, nor for delays or blockages in the use of such systems caused by deficiencies or overloads in telephone lines, overloads on the Internet, or other electronic systems.
The applicable legislation is Spanish, and for the resolution of any disputes that may arise from the use of this website, as well as from the registration or contracting that may be carried out through it, the competent jurisdiction will be the courts and tribunals of the city of Barcelona.
PUIG USA INC. reserves the right to modify any information contained on the website without prior notice, and publication on the website is considered sufficient notice.
For any doubts, suggestions, or comments, please contact us via email at
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